Probably don’t read this post if you don’t feel like hearing about things as insignificant… Read the postwhole lotta nothing
Konnichiwa from Osaka on another potentially exciting day! Right? You all know how happy I… Read the postdark creepy tunnel
I promised myself that no matter how my morning went today, I would write about… Read the postweekend in osaka
Konnichiwa from Thursday evening, March 16! Yesterday was a grand day! The weather was the… Read the postyesterday today tomorrow
Mondays and Wednesdays off is a rough schedule that does not allow for much recuperation. … Read the postCity Walk
Good morning from tomorrow! Japan does not change time throughout the year, so now we… Read the postOrange street
Apparently two weeks is the maximum you can go-go-go without stopping when in a foreign… Read the postsettling in
Yesterday was Friday–Kyobashi for Katie from 1:45 to 9:30 p.m. The company she teaches for… Read the postback to kyobashi