Change of Plans

It was a long drive back to Stronlossit Inn. The restaurant would be closed by the time we got back and we were too exhausted to think about food anyway. We stopped at a grocery store in a small town and got a few things to eat on the road. I messaged with my nephew and was sleeping by 9 p.m. Tomorrow we were heading to Edinburgh to meet up with our friends! We were so excited!!

But then I woke up at 12:30 a.m. with a horrible, terrible headache. I could hardly move. It felt as though my head was laying on a rock rather than a pillow. I knew two things: I needed Tylenol and caffeine. But there was none to be had in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere Scotland.

It was a very long night. When Mike finally stirred at dawn he set to work finding what opened earliest–there was simply nothing nearby. He found a drug store of some sort that opened at 8:30 a.m. and mercifully found a cup of tea as well. I could barely move.

I got dressed slowly and we stayed as late as possible until the 11 a.m. checkout. Mike messaged our friends–we were going back to Stirling to spend the night, then train in to Edinburgh the following day. I hate to cancel on people but just couldn’t worry about it. Mike moved the car to the front door to pick me up, even though it was only 30 feet away.

I was dreading the 3 hour drive on the wrong side of the road. There was an incredible castle that I barely turned my head to take a picture of. We would later learn from our friends that this is the castle featured most in photos of Scotland and I missed it–but at the time I hardly cared. Oh my goshhhhhhhhhhh….

Mike was able to get a room at the same hotel. I wanted my own bed and no food. It was an awfully long drive that included navigating more roundabouts once we were in Stirling.

Finally we made it and I went straight back to bed while Mike returned the car. I really don’t know what happened after that–I must have eaten something but I don’t remember. I know my step count for that day was 386 steps, each one an agony. Mike did not have to wrestled a mugger on this trip, but I know the day was rough for him too. What a lesson learned! It was simply too much–flying and trains and no sleep and insane wind and hiking and no Tylenol and not enough water. Whatever was I thinking!?!?!?!

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